Collocation của từ
These are words often used in combination with atmosphere.

ambient atmosphere.

Dynamics of laser produced carbon plasma expanding in low pressure ambient atmosphere.

atmosphere of fear.

Once again, there is an atmosphere of fear and repression in the country.

atmosphere of hostility.

This atmosphere of hostility is closely interwoven with the government's insufficient efforts at postwar reconciliation, as well as with chaotic process of land speculation and a confused resource tenure system.

atmosphere of suspicion.

There is an atmosphere of suspicion and espionage.

atmosphere of trust.

Second, the observation that attuned musical responsiveness was essential to the children's exchanges suggests that teachers need to establish an atmosphere of trust and empathy.

carnival atmosphere.

The carnival atmosphere that so often characterises the central acts of bourgeois operas and operettas is striking in several respects.

charged atmosphere.

The politically charged atmosphere of the 1950s further unsettled the political balance between the federal centre and the regions.

competitive atmosphere.

This newly competitive atmosphere was the result of reduced production costs owing to the abolition of the newspaper tax.

controlled atmosphere.

In fact, product tolerance is generally the limiting factor in developing an effective insecticidal controlled atmosphere treatment.

festive atmosphere.

Despite the festive atmosphere of recent days, those thoughts are concerned more with problems than ovations.

friendly atmosphere.

Of course, there are nurses working all the time there, and there are also doctors' sessions all day, but the old friendly atmosphere remains.

overall atmosphere.

Of course, it is essential that the overall atmosphere should be one of happiness in feeling that there are fair shares all round.

peaceful atmosphere.

His lectures were characterized by a calm and peaceful atmosphere, by a search for dialogue with his students, and above all by an effort at extreme clarity.

planetary atmosphere.

These are capable of eroding a planetary atmosphere entirely, and of preventing any possible cellular organization becoming impossible for the persistence of life.

rarefied atmosphere.

It is not a matter that should be left to the rarefied atmosphere of academics and realm of the economists, policy-makers, and legislators.

rarified atmosphere.

The new idea of taking advantage of the rarified atmosphere of the stratosphere for long-distance flying is one worthy of consideration.

reducing atmosphere.

According to current understanding of atmospheric escape processes, such a reducing atmosphere, however, would have enjoyed only a relatively short lifetime.

relaxed atmosphere.

To achieve a relaxed atmosphere needed a skilful tutor.

serene atmosphere.

It is only in this cool, calm and serene atmosphere that speeches of the kind we have heard to-day can be tolerated at all.

surrounding atmosphere.

This kinetic energy goes into heating the meteoroid and the surrounding atmosphere.

upper atmosphere.

They have their origin in the exhalation in the form of hot breath which rises into the upper atmosphere, which is therefore inflammable.