Collocation của từ
These are words often used in combination with publisher.

commercial publisher.

Experts work for hire, although review would undoubtedly be accomplished in-house by the sponsoring organization, whether university unit or commercial publisher.

independent publisher.

The company has built up a reputation as a leading independent publisher.

mainstream publisher.

Both titles dealt with taboo subjects for a mainstream publisher, but were applauded by their handling of these subjects.

major publisher.

Each major publisher maintains a list of orthotypographic rules that they apply as part of their house style.

reputable publisher.

The work which was reportedly conducted two years ago may not have been published because no reputable publisher would accept it.

software publisher.

Downloads are often rated and reviewed by editors and contain a summary of the file from the software publisher.

textbook publisher.

During his time as an educator, he served as a teacher, textbook publisher, assistant principal, and principal.